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I am For all students

Intervention Matching, Mapping, Monitoring, and Meeting

Emerging from the University of Minnesota is IM4, an evidence-based, problem-solving process that increases the likelihood of success when delivering interventions for students with social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

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Match is the first step which involves data-driven decision making to select the right intervention for the right student. When educators match students to the most precise and appropriate intervention, they increase the probability of success.

Mapping out a plan (MAP) is a critical step to ensure that the matched intervention is implemented with fidelity, because students cannot benefit from interventions they do not receive. The Map step also outlines important dates (e.g., intervention start date, meeting to review data) and the means by which important data are collected to inform decisions.


Monitoring student response to the intervention and the fidelity with which the intervention is being implemented as planned is critical to making valid decisions within a problem-solving process. IM4 Monitor step includes access to progress monitoring tools to track student response to the intervention, graphing capabilities to visually depict progress monitoring data across baseline and intervention phases, and fidelity rubrics for each of the interventions. Monitoring check-in's are kept in the system, allowing for clear communication across teams. 

Meeting as a team is the final step in the problem solving process that occurs roughly 4 to 6 weeks after the intervention start date. The aim of this step is to review data and make data-driven decisions with regard to intervention programming. Using the progress monitoring and intervention fidelity data, teams make one of four decisions:

  1. Maintain implementation of the intervention and return back to monitoring phase
  2. Change the intervention because student failed to respond to a well implemented intervention
  3. Increase fidelity of implementation of the current intervention
  4. Exit the student by beginning to fade away the intervention